We’ve known for years that Disney isn’t worried about making “good” shows or movies, they just want to make “content” for Disney+.
According to BoundingIntoComics:
Update: Nick Cole has provided further clarification on his comments. He claims he was not referring to Disney in his original tweet thread.
He tweeted, “Also to clarify, as there’s been some confusion: I did not name the Studio that called our audience ‘White Christian Trash.’ It’s a major studio. But I am not naming it as this time and I’m not implying on this thread that it is either Disney or ABC.”
Original article continues:
Author Nick Cole of the Galaxy’s Edge series recently claimed that Disney “wouldn’t produce content for white, Christian, trash.”
Cole’s comments came in response to recent statements made by Walt Disney Television’s Chairman of Entertainment Dana Walden.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Walden appeared on a panel put on by Chapman University and Glamour with Amazon Studios chief Jennifer Salke.
During the panel Walden referenced ABC’s new affirmative action policies that the company rolled out back in September 2020.
An email announcing the policies was published by The Hollywood Reporter that claims the “new guidelines are intended to make our content and our sets as inclusive as possible, and will serve as further catalyst for real and sustained change.”