These creeps all work together and think we don’t notice. I wasn’t going to buy this game, but now I must!
Last year, Hogwarts Legacy developer Avalanche distanced the Harry Potter RPG from series creator JK Rowling and her transphobic commentary. It’s going to be harder to separate the game from lead designer Troy Leavitt, however, after it was discovered the industry veteran had a side-gig as a pro-Gamergate YouTuber.
On Friday, a series of tweets from Did You Know Gaming contributor Liam Robertson gained traction highlighting a snapshot of Leavitt’s YouTube channel. While it’s been inactive since March 2018, the channel has quietly acquired over 2 million views largely through videos lashing out at feminism and social justice.
In follow-up tweets, Robertson claims that he’s not trying to “cancel” Leavitt. None of this information is particularly private, but he felt it important to share to help people make more informed choices over whether to support Hogwarts Legacy. The replies also summarise a video Leavitt made in defence of John Lasseter, dismissing the sexual assault allegations against the former Pixar boss—who left his position in 2017 in response to the scandal—and the wider #MeToo movement as a “moral panic”, while noting that Lasseter was “personally nice” to him during development of the Cars 2 licensed game.
At just under 26,000 subscribers, Leavitt’s channel isn’t overwhelmingly popular. But it also isn’t hidden, with the designer still linking to it in his Twitter bio. In a 2018 video titled “Bushnell did nothing wrong”, he explains that publisher WB Games was not only aware of, but completely unfussed by his video output when he was hired at Avalanche.